Coriander spice | coriander plants | Dhania spice | Coriandrum sativum | coriander common name and scientific name | uses of coriander | soil and climate of coriander | varities of coriander | propagation of coriander | harvesting and yield of coriander | storage of seeds of coriander

Kumari Ashwini Raj
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


■ Scientific Name : Coriandrum sativum L.

■ Family : Umbelliferae / Apiaceae

■ English name : Coriander

■ Indian name : Dhania, Dhanya (Hindi), Kothambri,

Kothamiri bija (Kannada), Kothumpalari bija (Malayalam), Dhanyaka (Sanskrit), Kothamalli (Tamil), Dhaniyalu (Telugu).

■ Coriander of commerce is the dried fruit of Coriandrum satiuum L., an aromatic spice crop. It is a very old flavouring substance and its usage both for its leaves, stems as well as.



Curry leaf



Dill (sowa)





Nutmeg and mace

Cardamon ( Elaichi)

Cinnamon (Daalchinni)


■ The essential oil content of the seeds is about 0.1–0.7%. The seeds also contain 19–21% fatty oil, which solidifies upon keeping and is used in the manufacture of sodium soaps and has a pleasant odour.

■ The residue left after extraction of volatile oil is used in cattle feed. All parts of the plant are indispensable food adjuncts in Indian cookery.

■The young plants are used as a spice in the preparation of chutneys, sausages, curries and soups for flavouring. The dried fruits are an important ingredient of curry powder, sausages and pickling spices.

■ Coriander is also used as a carminative and flavouring agent and to correct the griping qualities of other medicines. ■ A herbal tea of coriander with milk cures bleeding of piles. The fruit is antispasmodic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, refrigerant and stimulant.

Area and production

■ In India, it is cultivated practically in all the states with a total production of 2,36 lakh tonnes of seeds over an area of 3.6 lakh hectares. Rajasthan stands first both in area as well as in production, followed by Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. Karnataka stands fifth with a production of 20,864 tonnes from an area of 12875 ha.


Coriander flower

■ The plant is a smooth, erect annual herb, 30–90 cm high, with conspicuously enlarged nodes and hollow internodes. The stems are vertically ridged.

■ The leaves are pinnately compound and often decompound. The lower leaves are broad with serrately-lobed margins.

■ The upper leaves are finely cut with linear lobes. The petiole is often swollen, even, hollow at the base and sheathing the stem. The leaf arrangement is alternate.

■The fruit is a schizocarp, globular, yellow in colour with brown ribs. The size of the seed is about 3 mm in diameter and ripe seeds are aromatic. At dehiscence, the 2 carpels called mericarps separate, each containing a single seed with a copious endosperm and a minute embryo.

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